
Plasmolifting face procedure

Autumn is beautiful, especially in September - early October. It is still warm, and the sun is also shining brightly, the days are warm, but not so hot, the evenings are quiet and cool. This is especially felt and understood by the inhabitants of the southern regions of Russia, who have fully enjoyed the hot southern sun, and for them this is actually a wonderful time. But there are cooler and even darker days ahead, and in all regions of Russia. However, one should not be greeted with pessimism that is inherent in the laws of nature itself, “… you just have to gratefully accept…”.

What do cosmetologists recommend after the season of high solar activity?

Start with exfoliation. Your skin, in any case, even if you were protected from the sun's rays, received a certain dose of ultraviolet radiation, and with it uneven pigmentation and microrelief, or even hyperkeratosis.

Plasmolifting face procedure

After peeling, it is necessary to restore the hydrobalance of the skin, masks with hyaluronic acid, vitamins - A, C, E will help here.

And one more recommendation of cosmetologists at this time is to sign up for plasma therapy - a procedure that will help start the renewal process in tissues, enhance the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin. And the skin will become radiant and elastic again, all signs of photoaging under the influence of ultraviolet radiation will be erased. And, as you know, ultraviolet light destroys the structure hyaluronic acid and is one of the most powerful factors in skin aging.

Plasma therapy or PRGF - Plasma Rich in Growth Factors is an injection of platelet-rich plasma obtained from the patient's own blood, therefore this method is based on the natural resources of the body. As a result, tissue self-healing occurs - wrinkles are smoothed out, complexion improves.

Plasma therapy is used to smooth wrinkles, in the presence of signs of fading, age spots, acne, in the treatment of seborrhea and stretch marks of the skin after a sharp weight loss, against hair loss and as a restorative effect after plastic surgery and laser resurfacing. The effect of rejuvenation occurs immediately after the first procedure - the relief and density of the skin improves.

Plasmolifting face procedure

Plasmolifting - This is a method in which plasma is obtained in a short time in a beauty parlor from our own resources. PRGF plasma is highly purified, which eliminates various undesirable effects, such as inflammation.

The whole process includes three stages: taking blood from the patient; obtaining autoplasma; injection of autoplasma to the patient, which is injected into the zone of your choice (face, arms, neck, décolleté, scalp, etc.), and the skin receives a powerful charge aimed at renewal.

The result is skin rejuvenation and lifting, which will last up to two years. Over time, all the processes of renewal and metabolism in cells slow down, which leads to aging of the skin and the body as a whole. The entire plasmolifting technique is based on increasing the concentration of platelets in the area selected for treatment, which ensures cell activation and tissue regeneration.

Plasmolifting is recommended at the age of 30 or more. Usually after 30 - 35 the first signs of aging appear. There are also contraindications to this procedure. These are diabetes mellitus, severe diseases of internal organs, viral hepatitis, various blood diseases, various inflammations on the skin, mental disorders, pregnancy.

Beauty is, first of all, health, and in order to maintain it, one must not only work on oneself, but also take care of it. Today, being very tanned is no longer fashionable. Only a golden skin tone, a light even tan is considered beautiful.

Plasmolifting face procedure
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