This season, autumn-winter 2024/16, the tenth anniversary season of Belarus Fashion Week was to take place in Minsk. However, due to the economic crisis, the anniversary Fashion Week was postponed until this fall ...
It is believed that you cannot be truly beautiful if you do not love yourself. On the other hand, the lack of beauty can be the cause of self-dislike, what comes first - self-love or beauty, and how they are interconnected ...
This publication will tell you about fashion, which has two faces. One is a blue-eyed blonde with a pink bow, the other is a wrinkled old woman wearing huge glasses drinking your blood.
The advent of Instagram has changed the fashion blogosphere a lot. If earlier fashion bloggers, in addition to photographs, wrote some texts, sometimes large and serious articles, then with the advent of Instagram, the number of words has greatly decreased on the fashionable Internet ...
For the fourth season, the fashion company Real Profit Group, which specializes in the management and development of Russian designer brands, presents promising commercial brands of clothing and accessories at its stand. The multi-brand stand will be located
Starting a career in the fashion industry is not easy. In this highly competitive world, creativity and strategy must work together in cold blood to keep pace with rapidly changing trends and a demanding, spoiled audience ...
Recently, we all hear more and more often about collections created by various celebrities, bloggers and even little girls. Is it so easy to create a fashion collection? Why then study for years? Let's see who really is
In November 2024, the ninth spring-summer season of the international cultural project Belarus Fashion Week ended. As in previous seasons, the event brought together many fashion figures, designers and journalists from different countries.
Fashion is serious. Fashion is very serious. Girls are fashion bloggers, designer collections, Fashion Weeks are one side. Fashion as a business, industrial enterprises, factories that sew clothes, production of fabrics are the other side. And also
On November 16, as part of the final After Party Belarus Fashion Week, the winner of the Fashion Blog Competition BFW was announced. For the sixth season in a row, the Organizing Committee of the Fashion Week in Belarus has been promoting the development of the blogging sphere and fashion journalism.
The first heels, or rather even platform shoes, appear in the days of Ancient Greece among actors. And according to other sources, the heel appeared even earlier - among the peasants of Ancient Egypt.
Everything is subject to fashion! Each person, one way or another, follows fashion trends, someone buys the coveted bags, and for someone vegetarianism and the protection of nature is becoming a fashionable hobby and way of life. Let's see which is better?
I am periodically asked the question, why does this happen - a person calls himself a designer or a stylist, but he looks like a homeless person? Let's try to figure it out ...
The time of graduation 2024 is approaching, and many are worried about the question - where to go to study after school? If you want to connect your life with the world of fashion can give advice and share experiences.
Fakes in the fashion industry are an evil that must be fought, but this is not always the case, some fakes are designed to preserve rare species of animals, such crafts must be treated well.