Fashion world
How to watch the program Fashionable Sentence
If you are even a little interested in fashion, you are sure to watch the program Fashionable Sentence with interest. will tell you how to properly watch the program in order to get only benefit and pleasant experience.
The difference between a designer and a fashion designer
If you want to connect your life with fashion and become a designer, fashion designer, let's first figure out how a designer differs from a fashion designer, or is it one person?
What does owning things of your favorite brands give?
In recent years, in Russia from some groups of people, one can hear attacks and ridicule against brand lovers. will try to figure out what the brands did not like them, and what they mean to fans.
How to find useful fashion films
In Russia, you can easily find almost any film, download or watch Vkontakte, but if you set a goal, find a good film about fashion, everything turns out to be not so simple.
Is fashion art or business?
People far from the world of fashion often ask the question - is fashion an art or a business, or maybe fashion in general is a worldwide deception? will reveal the true state of affairs!
Russian climate and fashionable clothes
Recently, on the Internet, they scold Russia and everything Russian a lot, they do not forget to scold even the Russian climate! wants to find out if the Russian climate is really bad.
Fashion enlightenment
Many educated and seemingly cultured people often do not know what fashion is, they form the wrong idea about fashion, based on personal experience and stock of knowledge. This publication is intended to open up a true understanding of fashion.
A mosaic of thoughts about fashion and beauty
Fashion and beauty, gloss, sounds frivolous for many. But in fact, the life of the entire civilization is unthinkable without fashion and beauty, because for the sake of them people are capable of very, very much ...
Chinese clothing and its price
Chinese clothing and other goods of Chinese origin have taken over the world. Everything is Chinese everywhere! What is the price of such rapid economic growth for China?
TOP 5 most interesting designers
A warning! This selection includes exclusively designers from three countries - Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. The choice of designers was carried out only in accordance with the preferences of the author of this article, and, as you know, the taste and color of comrades
New books about fashion
I am planning to buy two new fashion books. These books are especially valuable as they were written by two women who have dedicated their entire lives to the world of fashion. You can trust them!
Cosmetics and animal protection
Again, I return to the topic of animal rights protection, since recently a ban on testing cosmetics on animals was introduced. This is an unreasonable ban and will tell you why!
Fur coats and animal protection
In our northern country, from time immemorial, fur has been used to make clothes, and it never occurred to anyone to try to fight this, defending animal rights. Now everything has changed, there are more and more people and organizations demanding to refuse
Competition for young designers
They write to us a lot about education in the field of fashion and ask for advice on how to get a job for those who have already received an education. There are many paths in the fashion world. For example, special contests, they can provide significant support at the initial stage.
Internet or print gloss?
For a long time there has been talk about the fact that the print media will not last long, but today we will not talk about that at all. And about how reliable the author's information is provided by the print media and electronic Internet magazines. Who can you trust?
Can bloggers and magazines be trusted?
In recent years, television has completely lost the trust of a significant part of the population. If not television, is there an alternative? Can bloggers and magazines be trusted?
Do Paris Hilton bags offend Islam?
In recent years, the topic of religions and the sensitivity of believers has been increasingly featured in the media. How can bags and other accessories offend Muslims?, will try to figure it out ...
Paris, spring-summer 2024
After the end of the fashion weeks in New York, London and Milan, it was the turn of Paris, a city that has been a trendsetter for a long time, a city whose name is directly associated with the fashion industry.


