Tomato and tomato masks in cosmetology
Cosmetologists have long noticed and are using the beneficial properties of tomato for the skin and for health in general. Tomato improves complexion, moisturizes, prevents wrinkles ...
Why does hair get dry in winter?
Spring is coming, and we want to quickly take off our hats, scarves and shawls and show off our luxurious hair, feel the cool spring breeze fluttering our curls. But are they that luxurious?
Geranium essential oil
Each flower has its own scent, and it is like the finishing touch of its perfection. Our favorite and recognizable fragrances among all - they are our own, because people react to them differently, and this is the essence of our genes. Therefore, in the description of the fragrance, different
Persimmon for health and beauty
Let's find out how to use orange fruits to heal the skin and the body as a whole.
Effective acne remedies
There are many ways to treat acne with natural, home-made remedies. Let's take a look at some of them.
Salt lifting
If you have very little time left, and the celebration is about to begin - how to look five years younger?
Condition and cleansing of the skin
Knowing the classification of skin types and their characteristics is very good. But it is necessary to be guided in the choice of cosmetics, first of all, based on the individual needs of your skin.
Beautiful skin and antioxidants
If your skin has become dull or reacts to some external changes with irritation, this may be the result of the influence of free radicals, about which cosmetologists and doctors have been talking so much lately.
Apple anti-aging masks
Familiar and accessible, and therefore the most beloved fruit in Russia is the apple. From the ancient chronicles it is known that the existence of the apple was known at the time of Alexander the Great. Some of the first places where the apple is mentioned were Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Glycolic acid for skin whitening and renewal
Some of us think about how to keep a tan for a long time, while others - how to eliminate unwanted age spots. From October to March, it is time to effectively combat the pigmentation that you have acquired over the summer.
World beauty day
On September 9th celebrates its professional holiday, today we are celebrating the world day of beauty!
The history of beauty in Russia
We have published materials devoted to beauty many times, but this topic is so important that as long as the world exists, it will not lose its relevance, and therefore today we will say a word about beauty again. How was beauty perceived in the traditional Russian sense?
Night skin care
Many women refuse to use night creams, thinking that the cream interferes with the proper rest of the skin. In fact, a properly selected night cream fights for our youth and beauty, and does not prevent the skin from resting at all.
Secrets and secrets of beauty
In this post, is not going to reveal its beauty secrets. I tell them every day in reality and on the pages of the site, so I have no secrets. Today we will talk about other people's secrets.
How to restore eyebrows at home
Shaping the shape of the eyebrows, we pluck out the hairs and over time our eyebrows become thinner and thinner, and for some especially diligent ones they disappear altogether, which is not good at all in the light of modern fashion trends. How to grow eyebrows at home
How to keep your tan
You have recently returned from the sea-ocean, and your skin has already begun to peel off, due to which your tan turns pale and pale every day. How to keep your tan as long as possible?
Berry masks
In the summertime, one might say, all the cosmetics and "under the feet and under the hands." Dandelions are blooming, strawberries, fragrant raspberries and currants, apples, pears are ripening. All plants around us are attracted by their aromas and sweet fruits, each of which
How to get rid of cellulite
It's time for summer holidays. And along with the joy of the upcoming vacation, there are moments of grief. You go to the mirror and see that an open swimsuit is not for you. They can't hide cellulite thighs.


