How to keep your family together during quarantine?
The self-isolation regime has had a huge impact on our lives. Many see these restrictions as solid minuses and become discouraged, and some manage to use them with maximum benefit every day ...
Should you wear leather goods if you can't give up meat?
What if you cannot give up meat products, but want to take care of nature as much as possible? Should non-vegetarians give up leather and fur products?
How to dress twin girls and twins
Today we are going to talk about twin sisters and twins and try to decide how best to dress them. What are the benefits of matching clothes and accessories for twin girls? We will also look at a chic example of the style of the sisters Gulcan and Sahinur, from which
The most useful gifts for March 8
Every year by March 8th, offers gift lists, but this year we decided to take a different route. Today we will try to choose the most useful gifts that can serve you all your life….
We go shopping in Brest
Brest is like a little Paris. Cozy cafes and branded clothing stores await you in the city center. And in the evenings a lamplighter walks along one of the streets of the city and lights the lanterns ...
Where to go for inspiration this fall
In this article we will tell you how to make your outfit more original, where to find inspiration and how to color your autumn fashionable and, of course, stylish looks with bright colors ....
Who creates the standards and stereotypes of beauty
Whole books are written on this topic, where the fashion industry and the modeling business are accused of imposing beauty standards on women. But who actually creates these ideals of beauty in modern society….
What is Slow Fashion - Slow Fashion
Once again, a fashion journey in the spirit of Slow Fashion. And also unexpected Baranovichi. A city in which there is a whole street of Beauty and the first wedding salon in Belarus was opened ...
Ban on the sale of natural fur and democracy
In Russia, Roskomnadzor is blocking access to websites, and in the city of San Francisco they decided to ban the sale of products made from natural fur. Animal protection is a good thing, but prohibitions limit freedom of choice ...
Knitwear from the city of Queen Bona
Let's combine Slow Fashion with travel. We will leave the noisy crowded capitals of world fashion for the quiet town of Queen Bona to breathe a breath of fresh air. But our journey will begin with the 2024 Olympics ...
Miroslava Duma and the illusion of freedom in modern society
All media and public figures convince us that we live in the happiest and most free time. Life now is, however, much easier and more comfortable than in the Middle Ages, but this is the merit of science and technological progress. If we talk about freedom, its
How avoiding meat will affect beauty
A lot has been said about the benefits and harms of vegetarianism. Doctors and nutritionists often disapprove of completely avoiding animal foods. Today we will not argue with them, I just want to tell a little of my own experience….
How medicine will change under the influence of new technologies
Now all magazines and bloggers make their own predictions for the future. also offers its own predictions for the future. Today we will consider the changes in medicine, which in the near future will make many doctors unnecessary people ...
Is it possible to wear the things and jewelry of the deceased?
If you believe the stories of many Russians, their lives are becoming more difficult, there is not enough money and no improvement is expected. In such a situation, people begin to save on clothing and jewelry. Therefore, when relatives die, the question arises of what to do with
20 habits that get in the way of happiness
I don't like success-oriented articles too much. All these "15 ways to achieve your goal" or "25 reasons that prevent you from being successful" are texts that simplify the perception of reality and reduce the goal of life to the idea of ​​material well-being. But there is
Vetements' rejection of shows and the future of Fashion Weeks
Demna Gvasalia has decided to temporarily withdraw from fashion Week shows. Perhaps Vetements ran out of original ideas, the designer no longer knows how to attract a jaded audience and press attention, or maybe the shows have become not so effective and
Why not all popular Instagram is useful
Many brands and entrepreneurs spend serious money on advertising on Instagram, they choose pages with millions of subscribers, and wait for new customers, but not all popular Instagram beauties are equally useful ...
What is not real faux fur
Every year, the general public is becoming more aware of the problem of cruelty to animals, so fashion brands are faced with a growing demand for faux fur and a fall in demand for natural ...


