How to quit sugar
Most recently, touched upon the impact of bad habits on health, life and beauty, and today a little about the use of sugar, which is also a bad habit, like smoking.
What does owning things of your favorite brands give?
In recent years, in Russia from some groups of people, one can hear attacks and ridicule against brand lovers. will try to figure out what the brands did not like them, and what they mean to the fans.
Is fashion art or business?
People far from the world of fashion often ask the question - is fashion an art or a business, or maybe fashion in general is a worldwide deception? will reveal the true state of affairs!
How to quit drinking alcohol for the sake of beauty
If you want to live here and now, take all the fleeting pleasures of life, you should not read this publication, but if you are interested in living a long life and staying young and beautiful longer, spend 10 minutes.
How to quit smoking for beauty
The outgoing year 2024 brought a lot of smoking bans, in the future it will become even more difficult to smoke, which means it's time to part with cigarettes.
How to control your time on the Internet
Time is the most expensive currency! Time is running out irrevocably, no one in this world is able to return yesterday and wasted years. We must value time, but how to do it if you often have to use the Internet….
Choosing a pet
How to choose the right pet for a busy, active and independent girl? Not an easy task, but is a magazine full of wisdom, so we have an original idea for you.
Russian climate and fashionable clothes
Recently, on the Internet, they criticize Russia and everything Russian a lot, they do not forget to curse even the Russian climate! wants to find out if the Russian climate is really bad.
Advertising of fashion brands on Instagram
The expected event happened - an advertisement appeared on Instagram. The best part is that this is an advertisement for a brand from the Fashion industry! Are you not happy about that?
How to save photos from Instagram
Helpful tips for saving your favorite celebrity Instagram and Twitter photos to your computer.
Back on internet forums
Sometimes questions and situations arise, in the solution of which none of the relatives and friends can help. In such situations, some people turn to the help of Internet forums. will consider the benefits and harms of internet forums.
Shopping and travel
Shopping and travel are some of the most affordable and harmless hobbies that bring impressions and make us and our life brighter. Only not everyone is able to combine one with the other. You have to choose ...
How to choose a monitor for a girl
If you run your blog, love fashion, or perhaps want to do glossy journalism or fashion design, you need a good desktop computer and a monitor for it. I'll tell you which one to choose ...
How we spent the summer
The first week of September has ended and looking out the window, we can confidently say that autumn is already with us. Warm summer days are over, summer has flown by. How we spent it, what impressions remained.
Long May Holidays 2024
A holiday is a holiday! Rest and associations with everything light and joyful. Only this is not always the case, and a holiday can also be a burden, especially protracted holidays.
Happy Easter
All Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter at night from Saturday to Sunday. This is the most important holiday of Christians, which lasts three days. These days, everyone gives each other cakes and Easter eggs, Fashionista has also prepared her own virtual gift.
Dating with foreigners
Yesterday, Sunday, the weather was great, and my friend and I decided to take a walk. We visited two establishments and just walked down the street. After the walk, I got the impression that almost half of our streets are foreigners!
May holidays 2024
May holidays are ahead, they can be spent in different ways, but in any case, wherever you go, it is advisable to take a camera.


